Maths Puzzles | Mathematical Puzzles | Mathematics - geeksorgeeks

Maths Puzzles

Collection of Best Maths Puzzles

In this category we have mathematical puzzles which requires some kind of math to solve, like: algebra, equations, permutation and combinations.
Some of these maths puzzles are very simple and some are very hard, check these out, we are sure you will like it for sure.

Which number should replace the question mark?




Can you solve it in a minute?




Math Puzzle – fill the boxes

Solve this one in a minute

fill in the boxes
Plz answer this 

Find the hieght of table with Cat and tortoise

 Let’s see if you can solve this one.
What is the heigh of the table in cm?
height of the table, cat and tortoise 

Viral Challenge


Glass and water puzzle, how fast can you solve it?



A lady walks into a store and steals $100

A lady walks into a store and steals a $100 bill from the register without the owner’s knowledge. She comes back 5 minutes later and bus $70 worth of goods with the $100 bill. The owner her $30 in change.
How much did the owner loose?



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