First Python Project in PyCharm IDE

First Python Project in PyCharm IDE

In the last tutorial we have seen how to install PyCharm (a popular IDE for Python). In this guide, we will see how to create your First Python project in PyCharm.

Creating Python Project in PyCharm

1. Click “Create New Project” in the PyCharm welcome screen.

Create New Project PyCharm Welcome Screen

2. Give a meaningful project name.

Python Project Name PyCharm

Writing and running your first Python Program

1. Now that we have created a Python project, it’s time to create a Python program file to write and run our first Python program. To create a file, right click on the folder name > New > Python File (as shown in the screenshot). Give the file name as “HelloWorld” and click ok.

First Python File in Project
2. Write the following code in the file.
# This Python program prints Hello World on screen
print('Hello World')
Hello World Python Program PyCharm

3. Lets run the code. Right click on the file (or the name you have given while creating Python file) in the left sidebar and click on ‘Run HelloWorld’.

Run the first python program

4. You can see the output of the program at the bottom of the screen.

Output of the First program in PyCharm

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